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Virtual Camaraderie: Navigating Online Communities for Veteran Students

What is a Virtual Community for Student Veterans?

A virtual community is an online space where student veterans can connect, share experiences, and support each other. These communities often form on platforms like social media, forums, and dedicated websites. They provide a space for veterans to discuss academic challenges, share resources, and offer encouragement.

Academic Support in Virtual Communities

Success Coaches

Success coaches are vital in helping student veterans navigate their academic journeys. These coaches offer personalized guidance on course selection, time management, and study techniques. They are often available through university programs and can be reached via email, video calls, or online chat. Success coaches understand the unique challenges faced by veterans and provide tailored support to ensure academic success.


Mentorship is another crucial element of virtual communities. Experienced student veterans or alumni often volunteer to mentor new students. Mentors advise balancing schoolwork with other responsibilities, navigating campus resources, and setting career goals. This relationship provides a sense of camaraderie and helps new students feel less isolated.

Student Services

Student services in virtual communities include a range of resources designed to support veterans. These services might offer academic advising, career counseling, and mental health support. Many universities have dedicated veteran support offices that provide online workshops, webinars, and one-on-one consultations. These services are essential for helping veterans transition from military to academic life.

Peer-to-Peer Support

Study Groups

Online study groups are a great way for student veterans to connect with peers. These groups meet virtually to discuss coursework, prepare for exams, and complete group projects. Study groups offer a collaborative learning environment and provide a sense of belonging.

Discussion Forums

Discussion forums are another valuable resource for peer-to-peer support. On these forums, veterans can ask questions, share insights, and discuss various topics related to their studies and personal experiences. Experienced students or faculty members often moderated forums, ensuring that discussions remain productive and respectful.

Social Connections

Building social connections is an important aspect of the veteran student experience. Virtual communities offer various socializing ways, such as online events, virtual coffee chats, and social media groups. These interactions help veterans build friendships, reduce feelings of isolation, and create a supportive network.

Benefits of Virtual Communities Accessibility

One of the main benefits of virtual communities is accessibility. Veterans can participate from anywhere, balancing school, work, and family responsibilities more easily. Online platforms allow for flexible participation, ensuring that everyone can find a way to engage that suits their schedule.

Diversity of Perspectives

Virtual communities bring together veterans from diverse backgrounds and experiences. This diversity enriches discussions and provides a broader perspective on various issues. Veterans can learn from each other's experiences, gaining insights that can help them in their journeys.

Continuous Support

Unlike traditional in-person support systems, virtual communities offer continuous support. Whether it's a late-night study session or a weekend discussion, veterans can find help and camaraderie anytime. This constant availability is particularly valuable for those juggling multiple responsibilities.

How to Get Involved

Join Existing Communities

Many universities have established virtual communities for veteran students. Start by exploring your university's veteran support office or student services website. Look for online groups, forums, and events specifically designed for veterans.

Participate Actively

Once you join a virtual community, participate actively. Engage in discussions, attend virtual events, and reach out to peers and mentors. The more you contribute, the more you will benefit from the community.

Create Your Community

If you don't find a community that meets your needs, consider creating your own. Use social media platforms, forums, or group messaging apps to connect with other student veterans. Establish a clear purpose for your community and invite others to join and contribute.

Want to learn more about GGU’s Helen Diller Center for Veterans of U.S. Military Service?