How to Connect with Military Students during March Campus Week

Campus Weeks are an excellent opportunity to meet new people, connect with old friends and have a grand time exploring the San Francisco area. In March, Campus Week is from the 20th through the 24th, with something planned for each day. Here's what you should add to your calendar for campus week.

Boots to Books

On Monday, March 20, President and Co-Founder of Boots to Books, Peter Cline, will share how and why Boots to Books began. This nonprofit organization is geared toward helping veterans and their families find educational and competitive employment opportunities. Since late 2020, over 4,000 veterans and family members have received assistance from Boots to Books. Learn more about them at this workshop.

Related: How to Spend a Weekend in San Francisco

Project Management

Join Marie Spark, director of the project management graduate program, in this workshop as she explains the project management program and why she thinks it's a good fit for military-connected students. This workshop is on Tuesday at 3 p.m. in room 4200. 

"One of the things a project manager does is bring structure and order to chaos," Spark said. "And, if you're in the military, this is something that you've done because you're constantly put into very difficult dynamic situations, and you follow a process. You also know when you need to work around that process, but you don't just go into a panic. You figure out how to bring logic to the situation."

Amazon Go Adventure 

Want to learn more about Amazon Go and their contactless shopping? Join Professor Ross for a jaunt down to the Amazon Go store on Thursday at 3:40 p.m. Amazon Go is a convenience store chain that allows customers to shop and scan their Amazon Go app. The items they select are automatically added to their virtual cart. Register here.

There are many more opportunities to connect with students, alumni and organizations throughout the week. Check out the full schedule here

Daily Snack & Chat

Drop into the Main Lobby during the following time frames to grab a snack and chat with Diller Center staff. This is a great time to ask quick questions or schedule an appointment for complicated discussions.

  • Monday from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. 

  • Tuesday from 3:30 to 4:40 p.m. 

  • Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:40 p.m.

  • Thursday from 3:30 to 4:40 p.m.

  • Friday from 12 to 2 p.m.

Join a strong community of military veterans and their family members by connecting with other students at GGU.


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