Should You Read 'For Fun' While on Break?
A young woman sits on the beach reading a book.
In elementary school, summer reading programs were incredibly popular -- mostly as a way to keep kids engaged with reading and parents from going crazy. But as teenagers turn into adults, summer reading changed a bit.
Beach reads are popular for summer vacations, giving adults "permission" to read light, easy, fun books while traveling. Audiobooks are easy to access, allowing us to keep reading while doing chores, mowing the lawn or commuting. But do students need to read over term breaks, and do the books need to be academic?
Yes. And no. Reading is important in the life-long pursuit of learning. But why you're reading may not matter quite as much. During the academic year, your reading list is handed to you and it's not always fun. When you're given the opportunity to read a book of your choosing, you may hesitate. Here are seven types of books to pick up or download before you start your next class.
7 Types of Books to Read
Getting lost in a good mystery can take your mind off of stressors in life or concerns about the upcoming school year. Popular authors like James Patterson always have a new book ready to go, and many more in the library if you finish quickly.
True Crime
The true-crime genre has taken over the book and podcast world. Some people find the details about why people commit crimes to be interesting and others enjoy the problem-solving aspect, but overall these stories appeal to people whether they are watching, reading or listening to them.
Historical Fiction
If you can't travel to a fun place over the term break, you can read about it. Historical fiction books can take you anywhere, in any time period you desire. From the days of Henry VII to the women of Genghis Khan to World War II, there are more books than you could possibly fit into your break.
On any "must-read" list will be some of the classics, we just can't seem to escape the greats of literature -- which is why they are considered to be great. Whether you reread an old favorite or pull one from your "to read" list, you can't go wrong with a classic book.
Beach Reads
The fun, lighthearted books that comprise this category are perfect for taking your mind off the real world. The appeal of beach reads is that they don't take a lot of effort, they aren't very intellectually stimulating -- which makes them perfect for term breaks.
Personal Development
While not always the most exciting books to read over term breaks, taking a little time for some personal or professional development can be a good idea. Books that talk about leadership, for example, or achieving goals can help you reset and be ready to start the next term strong.
Biographies & Memoirs
Diving into someone else's life is certainly an escape, especially when it's someone famous. This year, several biographies made waves with their release, including "Greenlights" by Matthew McConaughey and "A Promised Land" by Barack Obama. It's fun reading about other people's lives.
Do you read for fun? Let us know what you’re currently reading.