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What’s the Value of Going to School in San Francisco?

When choosing a college, there are many things to consider. Location is just one of those, but it is a big one. Aside from determining where you want to study and live, you also want to consider how the location will affect your aspirations after graduation. San Francisco, California, is a highly attractive place to live and study. But beyond classes, there is a lot of value in the city's geographic location.

You're in Great Company

The Bay Area is home to some fantastic universities, which means your peers are among some of the country's brightest and hardest working students. And a rising tide lifts all ships. Being close to Silicon Valley, there are fantastic internship opportunities for students.

It's Culturally Diverse

San Francisco is historically diverse, welcoming everyone with open arms. The area has ties to Mexico and the Pacific Rim, which, combined with the gold rush history, has made it a prime location for immigrants and North Americans. With cultural diversity comes opportunities to learn from others and prepare to work with international clients or for global companies.

Career Opportunities

In 2019 20.5% of tech jobs in the United States were in San Francisco, contributing to the booming economy. Tech companies include Facebook, Netflix, Google, Yahoo, Apple and Tesla – all of which contribute to the higher-than-average median income and the higher cost of living in the area.

There are a lot of companies and organizations in the area, several close to GGU – making them perfect for internships and prospective employers. Check out this map to see what's close by. 

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