What is the Veteran Ambassador Program?

What is the Veteran Ambassador Program.jpeg

Have you ever wondered who answers the phone at the Diller Center when you call with a question? Or what happens to the email you send? Chances are, that helpful person you spoke with is a student veteran just like you.

Student veterans who are part of the VA Ambassador Program at Golden Gate University work at the Diller Center and can help you find the resources and answers you need.

What is the Veteran Ambassador Program?

The Veteran Ambassador Program is a work-study program run by the Department of Veteran Affairs. It allows students to work no more than 25 hours at the university where they are enrolled at least three-quarters time. Veterans must finish the work-study contract before their educational benefits expire or run out.

Marlena Blackman, Miltary Success Manager, explains a little more about the program.

"Veterans need to be using their VA education benefits, and we like to employ those who have at least one year left of their education," she said.

Veterans who are using Post-9/11 GI Bill®️ or Montgomery GI Bill® benefits are eligible for this program, as well as those using VR&E or the Veterans' Educational Assistance Program.

Successful candidates' qualities are motivation, the desire to help other students, the ability to think outside the box, and their willingness to bring personal experiences to the team.

Ambassadors work at the Diller Center, answering phone calls and helping with veteran outreach and resources. Sometimes the work includes interacting with students, or potential students, on social media, via email, and participating in New Student Orientation. By directing students to the places that can help them answer their questions, ambassadors will learn quite a bit about the resources available for student veterans on campus, including areas like mental health and enrollment.

Currently, the work is done remotely since the university is closed, but Blackman believes there will still be an opportunity for remote work when things reopen.

How do you become a Veteran Ambassador?

Blackman said that if you're looking for more information, you can read about the current Veteran Ambassadors at GGU and read about the job details online. You can then complete the interest form.

The next step is an interview with Blackman. "If you're a good fit for the team and able to meet the requirements, then we have you meet the team at the Diller Center," she said.

From there, the formal process begins -- filling out an application with the VA, noting availability, and detailing other requirements. From there, the VA creates a contract with specific terms, conditions, and the current pay rate -- which is set at California's current minimum wage. Ambassadors are paid every two weeks, and the pay is tax-free. Blackman said the contract length is one term but can be renewed.

Blackman's advice for those interested is, "Just come with an open attitude, be willing to help, and you'll do great."

Interested in becoming a VA Ambassador? Start here.


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