VA Ambassadors in the Spotlight

Ryan Greene and Sabrina Re, two of the VA Ambassadors at GGU. (Courtes photos)

GGU's current Veteran Ambassadors come from various backgrounds and military affiliations. They work at the Diller Center and help veterans, answer phone calls and discuss veteran outreach and resources. Here's a little more about them.

Tequera Anderson

Tequera Anderson, an Illinois native and Air Force veteran, has been a student at GGU since January 2021. She began her educational journey a GGU with a master's in human resources and is currently working on a graduate certificate in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Tequera loves action movies and TV shows like Money Heist and Breaking Bad; could this be due to her experience in Air Force security forces? After living overseas in Guam and Turkey, Tequera wants to become a part-time professor and an investor in real estate.

"GGU will assist me in my goals by providing me the knowledge to run my own business and network with other veterans," she said.

Ryan Greene

GGU law school student Ryan Green was born and raised in Orange County, California, and joined the Navy. He served as a public and media relations official in Japan, working with partner nations. Ryan was assigned to the US Navy Detachment at the White House Communications Agency under the Obama and Trump administrations. Here, he met attorneys who influenced his decision to pursue a career in the legal field. He's a 2L at Golden Gate University Law School and recently completed an internship with the Riverside County District Attorney's Office.

Read Next: What is the Veteran Ambassador Program?

James Huggins

James Huggins is a full-time student pursuing a degree in Data Analytics with an intent to work in technology. He served eight years in the Air Force and already has a bachelor's degree in finance and an MBA with a human resource management concentration.

James loves connecting with veterans and helping them reach their goals. He also loves traveling, discovering new foods and learning about different cultures.

Sabrina Re

Coast Guard spouse Sabrina Re is a full-time, third-year law student at GGU Law and president of the Student Veterans Law Association (SVLA) -- where she brings new opportunities to other military-connected students in the GGU community. After graduation, Sabrina plans to work in the government sector. When she's not studying, she enjoys traveling and spending time with her dogs.

Hear more from some of our ambassadors in the video below. (collage of video)

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