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Expand Your Network: Must-Attend Events for the Veteran Student
In the journey from military service to civilian life, networking plays a pivotal role in opening doors and creating opportunities. The transition can be challenging and rewarding for veteran students, and connecting with the right people is vital.

9 Student Veteran Organizations and Resources to Build a Supportive Network
Building a solid and supportive network is crucial for success, and luckily, several outstanding organizations and resources are available.

Do You Know If You Are Enrolled in VA Health Care?
Bridget Leach, LCSW of the San Francisco VA Health Care System, shares about outreach, enrollment, and coordinating care in the Bay Area for Student Veterans.

How to Build a Compelling Resume as a Veteran
Even if you are still months or years away from graduation and entering the workforce, having an up-to-date resume is crucial for success. A resume is an opportunity to highlight your unique skills and experiences that are translatable into the language of the civilian job market.

Student Steps to Success: Getting Started
Whether you are just in the information-gathering or consideration stages of beginning or restarting your education or confidently approaching the starting line, there are a few factors to keep in mind. To be successful, these five steps are crucial.

6 Smartphone Apps for Student Success
Your phone has access to tools to help you study, manage your time and connect with others. But you have to find the right apps and use them the right way for your lifestyle to make all the pieces fit together.

The Best Career Fields for Veterans and 5 Degrees to Help Them Succeed
A few specific jobs are considered the best for veterans with or pursuing degrees. Here are a few of them
How to Update Your Resume to Increase its Appeal
It's important to translate your military lingo into terms civilian employers can understand, it may still be challenging to accomplish.

How GradLeaders Helps Students with their Job Search
GGU offers students more than an education, they have many career services and resources.

Why CalVet Should Be on Your List of Resources
In this presentation, Graves talks about the resources available from CalVet and how to access them.