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Financial Aid Simplified: Understanding Your Options as a Veteran Student

Financial Aid Simplified: Understanding Your Options as a Veteran Student

Navigating the financial aid process as a veteran student may seem overwhelming, but with the correct information and resources, it's entirely manageable. Start by assessing your financial situation and exploring the benefits available through the GI Bill®️. Take advantage of opportunities like the Yellow Ribbon Program and institutional scholarships, which can further offset college expenses.

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Understanding Book Stipends and Your GI Bill®️ Benefits

Understanding Book Stipends and Your GI Bill®️ Benefits

You've applied and been admitted to your program of choice. You have initiated your GI Bill®️ Benefits to cover your tuition and fees. Your military housing allowance (MHA) has been determined and approved by the VA. Before you begin your classes, there is another benefit that you can expect to receive: the book and supply stipend.

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Summer Term: To Continue or To Take a Break?

Summer Term: To Continue or To Take a Break?

During the summer months, it might feel like you're approaching a crossroads – as it does for many student veterans. Do you continue your classes and maintain your scholarly momentum or need a break from classes and assignments? For this test, there is no wrong answer. However, there are three significant considerations to remember when determining if taking courses during the summer term is right for you.

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